Alexandre became a biologist (Master of Sciences) to contribute through research to the major health challenges.
However, it quickly became evident for Alexandre that the existence or non-existence of a cure for a specific disease was often just one small parameter among many others that influence the health of most of the people on the planet.
Health and Sustainable Development – In order to have a more global understanding Alexandre did a second Master in Development Studies (Master of Arts). In 2000, the limits of disciplinary research were not yet aknowledge by the academic world, Alexandre – with his atypical background – was aware that most of the challenges humanity was facing could not be properly address by a disciplinary approach. He therefore founded GEDUC (Global Education) a think tank about the role of universities in the promotion of a sustainable development. GEDUC worked in reinforcing the ethic of responsibility and interdisciplinarity in academic research and teaching.
« GEDUC has been a pioneer in promoting interdisciplinary teaching and research »
Prof. Rodrick Lawrence, Institute for Global Health at the United Nations University
GEDUC carry on today building bridges between different actors in order to reinforce the objectives of sustainable development (SDG’s) and human rights. GEDUC has been also active in promoting Education for Sustainable Development at the different levels of public education.
Alexandre has also worked as a consultant for various NGOs, the United Nations and the Swiss Development Agency (SDC).
Human Rights and Politics – As elected member of the Geneva States’ Constitutional Assembly, Alexandre initiated and managed to pass various constitutional laws on human rights including an evaluation mechanism and whistleblower rights. He is also the author on various articles regarding evaluation of public policies.
All these innovations unquestionably represents substantial progresses in the field of human rights. Prof. Giorgio Malinverni, Former Judge at the European Court for Human Rights
Alexandre succeeded to pass constitutional laws on all his top priorities except one: establishing a paternity leave. Such a legal framework was for him an important and essential step towards gender equality – i.e. for women and men to have equal opportunities in professional and family area.
Biology, sport, health and well-beeing – Alexandre has taught biology as part-time demonstrator for medical students and as invited speaker in postgraduates programs on genetics, technology, biosafety and environment. He has also been teaching biology and sciences in secondary schools.
Since 2008 he is an accredited instructors’ trainer & examiner for the Swiss Federal Office of Sports for two disciplines. He teaches future instructors how to teach skiing and others future instructors how to teach and organise kids all-round sports. Alexandre is also a certified instructor in many water sports. With his global approach, Alexandre has always highlighted the importance of training the mind for sport performance. As an accredited therapist in Sophrology and a certified yoga teacher, Alexandre has expanded his activities to anyone who would like to move on on a path of self development and inner balance.
Alexandre has studied and work in Switzerland, Spain, South Africa, Bolivia, Denmark, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and India. He is perfectly fluent in French, English and Spanish.